Chances are you‘ve felt the presence of Spirit in your life at one time or another. This can be more pronounced following the death of a loved one, but there are times when feeling spirit isn’t enough. Have you wished you could reach out to someone on the other side and ask them a question, repair a fractured relationship, or share your excitement about an upcoming event? You can’t call them on the phone, and you don’t always have access to a medium — so what can you do?
Today, you will learn to raise your vibrational level and connect with spirit. No medium is required. You only need an open mind and a clear, firm intention to connect. As a professional working medium, I’ve shared this technique with many people who have experienced profound, healing conversations with their loved ones in spirit.

1. Setting The Space
Creating a space devoted to spirit will help them understand that when you are there, you mean to communicate. Be creative! Light a candle.
Play soft relaxing music to help clear your mind. I find that music without words works best. Display photos or mementos around you and set an intention in your mind to connect.
It is important to remember that the art of mediumship is cultivated in the habit of consistency. The first step is to create a place you can call spirit.
They will remember your space and flock to it when you are ready to speak with them.
2. Connecting With Spirit
Connecting with spirit is the pinnacle of what we do as mediums! We are all born with some degree of innate psychic ability, and the good news is that our loved ones want to communicate with us as much as we want to share with them! Our loved ones are already watching over us. You only need to ask them to come forward and make their presence known.
During my readings, loved ones on the other side have shared messages about upcoming weddings, births, and family events. They have also relayed details about holidays and family gatherings that they could not have known if they were not there watching over us!
It’s now time to raise your vibrational level. Close your eyes and sit quietly with both feet on the floor. Take a deep, cleansing breath through your nose and hold for two to three seconds. Exhale through your mouth.
Imagine a tiny ball of white light sitting in the center of your chest, just over your heart chakra. This energy center serves as the center of love for oneself and others, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness.
Now imagine the bright, white light of protection coming to you from the heavens, through the crown chakra at the top of your head, and up from the center of the earth through the soles of your feet. That beautiful, warm, and loving light fills your entire body; head, neck, arms, hands, feet, and legs. It combines with the tiny ball of light in the center of your chest and begins to grow, so much so that your body can no longer contain it. It overflows, bursting from your heart chakra, and as it does, it surrounds you in beautiful white light.
All negativity and worry are expelled from your body as you breathe. With every exhale, the gray light of angst is transformed into the gold light of divine protection and enlightenment, forming a gorgeous, shimmering dome around you under which your loved ones will come and exchange thoughts, ideas, and messages.
This is the time to ask for assistance from your spirit team. Audibly seek out your guides, guardian angels, and all those who will help you connect. They are always standing by to help. Ask your loved ones to come close, even closer than ever. You may feel a shift in the energy around you to let you know they are nearby.
When I meditate and do readings for others, I keep a journal nearby. When you feel your loved ones are near, begin to write, draw and
doodle. Often, spirit will speak through your writing. It is helpful to close the journal at the end of the session and only look at it the next day. You may be surprised at what you have written!
Pay attention carefully because messages from spirit are subtle. You may experience auditory voices, thoughts that arrive that were not there seconds earlier, or you may even get “flashes” of imagery that appear before your eyes! Don’t forget to continue to breathe. Spirit travels on the breath. It is essential for keeping the vibration elevated.
If you are not successful the first time, don’t give up! The key to communicating with spirit is practice and consistency. Remember, most people can make sounds on a piano, but not everyone will be Chopin.
Practice will move you that much closer to achieving success.
3. Looking For Signs
A while back, I was reading for a woman who had lost her mother several months earlier. Her mom shared with me that she knew her daughter had been having a difficult time. She asked me to mention that she had sent a deer to her yard to let her know she was ok! Her daughter opened her eyes wide in amazement! She had just seen a deer in her backyard the day before! Our loved ones communicate with us all the time. We just have to be open to seeing the signs.
Signs from spirit come to us in many different ways:
- Scents: Have you been at home and detected the faint scent of your father’s pipe tobacco or your mom’s favorite perfume? Most likely, you were not imagining! Scents are one of the common ways spirit will let us know they are near.
2. Synchronicities: You get up in the middle of the night at the exact time for a week. The alarm clock says 3:11 – every single time! Your grandmother has a unique name, yet you see it everywhere! At the checkout, the person in front of you bears an uncanny resemblance to someone you recently lost. These are synchronicities. Please don’t ignore them! Spirit is letting you know they are ok!
3. Animals: Like my client who saw the deer, animals are a great reminder that spirit is with us. We just need to be open! Look for feathers, birds, and other animals that share significance with our loved ones in spirit.
4. Music: You’re driving in your car, and your mother’s favorite song comes on the radio. You are watching a movie, and a hymn played at her funeral is on television. Please don’t ignore it. You are most likely receiving a message from spirit saying, “I am ok!”
5. Thoughts: This one is the most subtle. It is easy to miss if we aren’t looking for it. Have you ever thought, “Why did I just say that?” or “Where did that come from?” That could be a message from spirit! When I read for others, This is how I discern what my thought is and what is from spirit.
Our loved ones in spirit communicate with us telepathically. They no longer need vocal cords. Remember, they are energy – and so are we! They communicate with us in many ways. They put thoughts in our heads, animals in our yard, and music on the radio! Be open to the idea that our loved ones talk with us all day! You may be pleasantly surprised to learn that they are still with us, guiding and assisting us just as they did in life